Mission & Purpose
Mission & Purpose
The Cincinnati Etiquette & Leadership Institute, LLC (CELI) offers a professional learning program with proven training and consultation resources in modern etiquette and leadership education. Our learning journeys are expertly designed for all generations. At CELI, our purpose is to build confidence and leadership skills by raising self-awareness. By offering behaviors that our clients can employ fluidly in a range of business situations and social environments, we empower those interested in advancement. Simply put, our training is not just for the millennials, but also adds important value to the professionalism of the Generation X, Baby Boomers, and Veteran generations. Corporations are now expected to “do more with less” to improve ROI and bottom line results. We offer important communication and relationship building skills that have direct impact on bottom-line results.
“The only thing worse than training an employee and having them leave, is to NOT train them, and have them STAY.”
Through interactive workshops, private coaching, & public speaking appearances, the four cornerstones of CELI's curriculum include:
- The Art of Dining - Set yourself apart by knowing the proper protocol from the beginning, when the first impression is made with extending the invitation, to the final impression of the thank you note. American, Asian, and European/Continental dining styles are taught and brilliant table conversation is emphasized.
- Business Etiquette - Communication, leadership, and relationship-building skills are key.
- International Protocol - Intercultural communication and cultural competency are taught so that you can understand preferences of different cultures and adapt your communication style to effectively negotiate, persuade, and build relationships with foreign counterparts.
- Women's Leadership - Be the finest ambassador you can be for yourself, your company/school, and your gender. This learning journey prepares women leaders to confidently conduct themselves with power and control, while staying true to their gender and their femininity.
We utilize the curriculum and training methods of the Protocol School of Washington® (PSOW), the industry’s global leader. PSOW is nationally accredited and recognized by the US Department of Education. Our curriculum emphasizes the importance of how to succeed in the international arena by providing cross-cultural intelligence critical to successfully interacting with different norms and expectations around the world. Our training programs have also been enriched by attending Harvard University's "Cross-Cultural Communication in Business" and Babson College's Executive Education - Women's Leadership Program.
Why is this training essential? It’s simply because the next generation is our future…our hope…and they are worth it. The internet and electronic devices are radically redefining how we are communicating and mediocrity is prevailing.
We empower today's and tomorrow’s leaders to work together for excellence. Our clients stand out in a poised, polished, and professional manner in an intensely competitive global marketplace.
Some key CELI program sessions include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Dine Like a Diplomat
- Think Globally: Projecting Cultural Awareness
- Networking for Results
- Principles of Professionalism: Eye Contact, Handshake, Greetings & Introductions, Power Body Language & Non-Verbal Cues, etc.
- Business Card Protocol
- "Netiquette" - Proper Social Media Etiquette, Email Etiquette, Texting, Cell Phone Etiquette
- Working a Room with a Plan
- Women's Leadership: Empowering Your Best Self
- Working Effectively Across Generations in the Workplace
- Personal Branding: Brand Yourself Or Be Branded
- Proper Business Etiquette for Today's Office Communications
At the Cincinnati Etiquette & Leadership Institute LLC, we honor the standards of the past to instill excellence into the future.